Friday, September 2, 2011

Birth Story

I've never written this down anywhere before and 3 months down the line i'll try my best to remember everything!

Well you were due 2nd June 2011 but on 28th May we went for our usual check-up at the doctors to check your progress and I complained to the doctor about slight abdominal pains that I had been having for a couple weeks, unsure whether they were related to labour or whether they were general pregnancy niggles. Dr Vijaya said she would like to admit me that day and begin the induction of labour. So, extremely shocked and scared but very excited, we headed back to the apartment to collect the hospital bag and to ring your grandparents and let them know the news. I remember that your dad had put a lovely piece of lamb in the oven to slow cook for a roast dinner that afternoon, obviously that roast wasn't going to be eaten and instead we quickly ate lamb sandwiches before we left for the hospital.

We were admitted to Al Salem Hospital (Bneid Al Gar, Kuwait) and enjoyed the luxuries of our room (sea view, kitchen, leather couches) whilst waiting for the doctor to come and begin the induction procedure. The first induction pessary was given at around 4pm (28/05/11) and we had to wait for things to progress. After 6 hours, I hadn't dilated any further so another pessary was given at around 9pm and again nothing progressed. We were in the room overnight waiting for the pain and dilation to progress whilst monitoring your heartbeat to make sure you were coping ok. Overnight, I had dilated only 1 or 2 centimetres and was given another pessary around 6am (29/05/11). We were told generally only a maximum of 3 pessaries are given, and after that we would have to wait until I was 4cm dilated and then the doctors would try and break my waters.

By around 11am things still hadn't progressed much and after really bad back pain throughout the night and a very tired mummy and daddy, we asked would it be possible for us to have a caesarean as we were dying to meet you!! We signed the consent forms for the caesarean and waited for the doctor to come and collect me for theatre. After signing the consent forms and deciding on the caesarean, things finally decided to progress! As I stood up to go the bathroom, my waters broke all over the hospital room and carried on leaking. We still decided to go ahead with the c-section though.

Around 2pm the nurse came to collect me for theatre. I was shaking as I was terrified but also so excited and anxious to finally meet you. I think daddy was even more scared than me. I went into theatre alone as the hospital wouldn't allow your dad in. The nurse asked whether I wanted a spinal or general anesthetic and as i've never been through anything like it before I asked the nurse for his recommendation and he said as I seemed very nervous the general anesthetic would probably best. I was given the needle for the general anesthetic and asked about any allergies. The nurse held my hand as I must of been obviously scared and was asking what your name was going to be and telling me think of something nice as I fell into a deep sleep...

You were born at 2.42pm on Sunday 29th May 2011. Daddy was waiting nervously in the waiting room for the news and was finally told after a lot of stress trying to find out (but thats another story!!). I came round from the general anesthetic and was desperatly trying to stay consicious and alert so they would take me back to the room so I could meet you. The nurse told me as I was recovering in the room near theatre how much you weighed (3.46kg, which is 7lb 6oz after my conversion on my mobile!) and I remember asking very sleepily if you were ok.

Around 5pm I was taken back upto our room and your dad was waiting in there talking to your grandparents on the phone. I couldn't speak very well because of operation but was asking your dad if he had seen you and what you looked like. We heard a knock on our room door and I remember your dad saying that it was a nurse bringing you in. I could never ever explain that feeling I felt. After 9 months of talking about you, feeling you inside my stomach and seeing you on your scans, I was finally going to meet my son!

The nurse lifted you from your trolley and put you in my arms. The first thing I thought was how gorgeous you were. I know its such a cliche but it was honestly love at first sight. You were so alert; looking into my eyes. I remember feeling so scared holding you as you seemed so small and delicate. You had cuddles with your dad which was so lovely to watch. You began breastfeeding straight away and fell asleep in my arms.

You were perfect, just as we imagined.

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