Monday, November 28, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

For the past few weeks me and Daddy have been super excited about Christmas, both because its your first Christmas and because we are looking forward to going to the UK for Christmas and to show you off!

Last weekend we went to a Christmas Fayre on the Gulf Road where you met Father Christmas for the very first time! You didn't seem to fussed by him and didn't even look at him! You were too busy watching all the other people in the room shopping and queuing up for Father Christmas. I was more excited for you than you were :)

That weekend really got me and Daddy into the Christmas spirit so we decided to put our Christmas tree and other little decorations up. You absolutely love the Christmas tree being up and always sit on 'your chair' next to the tree grabbing the decorations and the candy canes off the tree to look at or chew!


During the November Eid holidays you had a packed diary! You had a playdate with Connie, a playdate and lunch with Blake, a playdate with Patrick and a picnic!

We all went for a picnic with Sue and Chal, Sam, Rhian and baby Connie. You were enjoying lots of cuddles with Sue and Chal and looked very cool wearing your Tigger sunglasses! Even Daddy wanted a pair of Tigger sunglasses!

You watched Sue and Sam play rugby, sat with mummy whilst she chatted to Rhian and watched Daddy play frisbee. It was a lovely day :)

Your First Halloween

21st October 2011 was your first ever Halloween!

Nanny Carol had bought you a t-shirt and a Halloween costume when you were still in mummy's tummy and I have counting down the days so I can dress you up in them!

You wore your 'My First Halloween' tshirt during the day and once I was home from work I put your pumpkin halloween costume on you. You looked adorable but I don't think you were a massive fan of the costume!

We really tried to get a pumpkin so we could decorate the apartment a little bit but they were silly prices (as always in Kuwait!) so creative daddy carved a potato! Yes, a potato!! It looked so good, even better than a pumpkin would of! You were mesmerised by it when we took you over to it.

Happy 1st Halloween!

Nanny Carol and Pops visit Kuwait

Nanny Carol and Pops visited us for a week in October 2011. They were so desperate to see you and were upset anytime they saw a video or picture of you because they missed you so much. Their trip cane by so quickly and me and daddy were really looking forward to spending some time with them and for them to see how much you had grown! You were now just under 5 months old and the last time they saw you in person, you were a tiny 6 weeks old! You had really grown into such a giggly, happy, little boy.

Nanny Carol and Pops got to Kuwait late on the Saturday night and Nanny Carol grabbed you from my arms as soon as she saw us. She couldn't believe how much bigger you were, you looked massive next to her! They both couldn't stop cuddling and touching you, you could tell how happy they were to be back with you.

We stayed up for a little that night, and the next night we went to the Avenues and Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. Nanny Carol and Pops were giving you loads of attention and you were loving it! Unfortunately during their stay, me and daddy were in work so Nanny Carol and Pops came over to our apartment during the day and spent lots of time with you. They both kept saying how good you were, as they were worried that you would be a little strange with them as you hadn't seen them for 3 months, but no, you were your smiley self :)

On the Thursday night, Nanny Carol and Pops babysat you all night whilst mummy and daddy went for a meal and a night in a hotel. Nanny Carol loved getting up in the night with you, giving you a bottle and cuddles. She said you did snore very loudly though!!

Friday, the day Nanny Carol and Pops were leaving, quickly came by. Their flight wasn't until late that night so we went to Marina Crescent for our usual Pizza Express lunch and a little walk near the sea. You felt sand for the first time that day. We took off your shoes and let you stand up on the beach and sat you down so you could feel it with your little hands. You couldn't stop smiling :) After that, we took a trip to the Avenues so Nanny Carol and Pops could buy you your 'big' Christmas present as it would be too heavy to bring back on the plane with us in January. They got you a bouncer activity gym. Daddy put it together whilst Pops put up our new blind up for the bedroom. You loved playing in it and looking at yourself in the mirror.

The trip to the airport was so sad like last time. We said our teary goodbyes and waved Nanny Carol and Pops off. I was really sad for a few days as the week flew by too quickly and I really enjoyed having them here. I think you really missed all their cuddles and playing with Pops.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Door Bouncer

On the Friday of the long weekend from work we decided to buy you a door bouncer as you love standing up so much and are really strong on your legs. We bought it from Mothercare and daddy set it up as soon as we got home.

We gently placed you in it and within seconds you were bouncing away, laughing and smiling at us. You looked so proud of yourself, it was adorable!! You were chuckling away for ages! You wouldn't believe that you were only 4 months old, you were so strong and steady in it. My little boy is certaintely growing VERY quickly!!!

Long Weekend

Me and Daddy had a long weekend from work this weekend (6th-9th October) so as the weather in Kuwait was now finally bearable (unlike our super hot summer!) we decided to start our new routine for weekends; walks along the marina not far from our house. We thought it would be lovely for you to get lots of fresh air and have a look at the sea.

We finished work early on the Thursday so we all went for a nice walk upto Starbucks at the Aquarium. You loved it so much! You couldn't stop smiling and laughing at the light breeze blowing on you and being able to see so much, everything was new and exciting for you. It warmed my heart watching you get so excited. You loved it that much we decided to do that walk for the next 2 days, nice and early before it got too hot. On the Friday we went to Pizza Express for lunch (you had milk!). You were really good, and fell asleep just as our pizzas arrived but woke up for desert....I knew you wanted some chocolate sauce!! I dipped my finger into the chocolate a couple of times for you to try but you looked rather unsure of it...a big change from your normal milk!

I know me and daddy had such a fantastic weekend, and from the lots of laughing and smiling you were doing, I guess you did too! The weekend was so perfect, a real family weekend. Nothing could beat it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grandparents' and Uncle Joe's Visit

Your grandparents and Uncle Joe came over to Kuwait for 2 weeks (25/06/11-09/07/11) to finally meet their first grandchild and nephew. Me and daddy were so excited to see them as it had been nearly 6 months since we had seen our parents and we had missed them a lot. I was so excited for them all to meet you too, it must of been so hard for them hearing all our stories about you and seeing all the pictures we had sent but not to meet you until you were 4 weeks old. I had butterflies and couldn't sleep the night before with excitement!
Nana Sue, Grandpa and Uncle Joe arrived first on the Thursday night and were so happy to see you. You woke up just before they arrived which was great timing and they all had cuddles and caught up with me and daddy. Nanny Carol and Pops arrived the next night and me and daddy went to collect them from the airport whilst Nanna Sue and Grandpa enjoyed their first time babysitting you. Nanny Carol and Pops couldn't wait to hold you, and again you were awake when we got home, having a bottle. We all sat their enjoying the moment of us being all together with our beautiful new addition to the Burgess and Foy family.

The next two weeks consisted of meals out, a trip to the Aquarium, trips to the malls (Marina Mall, the Avenues and 360 Mall) and lots of time spent at home enjoying being with you. You were so good for all our trips and slept most of the time! I think we'll have to take you back to the Aquarium soon so you can see all the fish this time!

It was so lovely watching your grandparents with you. They looked so happy and so did you. I think you loved all the attention and missed it once they left. You grandparents started getting really upset during the last few days of their visit, thinking about leaving you here. They both wanted to take you back to Liverpool and Manchester!! But nobody is taking my boy!

Saying goodbye was so hard. We all couldn't stop crying, and we felt down for a couple of days after they had left. Your grandparents were really sad about leaving you and not being able to see you for a few months and me and daddy were both sad for the same reason, and also because we were going to miss them so much. I tried so hard holding it together at the airport saying goodbye but I broke down. I felt so sad for them, as I know how much you had grown in just those two weeks that they were here, by a few months time, you would be massive and that they will of missed so much. It was hard, and I imagine the next time will be too but we skype them all the time and send photos of you every few days, so although they are not here in presence, they will still see and hear all that you do and learn. They will still be with you growing up, every step of the way, even if thousands of miles away.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome Home

You left hospital on Tuesday 31st May at around 2.30pm. I was so excited to get you home and to actually enjoy you without having nurses and cleaners come into the room every five minutes! We couldn't wait to show you your room and all your toys and clothes, the things that had gotten us so excited for your arrival for months, and now finally, after 39 weeks you are able to see and use them!

I was so nervous coming home with you, as the roads in Kuwait are crazy! I was worried about you being too warm in the car and about lifting you into your car seat. Daddy drived very carefully and slowly to calm my nerves down and also because all the bumps in the road hurt my stomach from having the cesearean. You slept so peacefully all the way home, in your white stars babygrow and white woolen body suit. You looked so relaxed and beautiful.

I remember when we got home me and your dad placed the car seat on the floor in the living room and we sat on the couch watching you for about an hour, in amazement. We cried, we laughed and we smiled. We couldn't believe that this perfect little boy that we had wished for and wanted so badly was here in the room with us.

Our friends, Karen and Pete came around that evening to meet you, as we couldn't wait to show you off. They thought you were lovely and so well behaved - you didn't make a noise! Pete brought mummy and daddy a bottle of wine, and we all toasted you. It made me feel so proud showing you off. And that evening we got our first family picture of the three of us, taken by Pete.

You slept in the moses basket that night next to our bed. You looked so tiny. We didn't sleep at all that night, any tiny noise that you made, we switched the lights on to check you were ok! Whenever you woke up that night and the first few nights at home, both of us got up to change your nappy and feed you. We missed you when you slept.

Catch Up

The next couple of posts, I just want to catch you up with everything that has happened until now, before we begin the recent posts.

I want you to hear about your trip home, the visitors that came to see you and the wonderful 2 weeks that your grandparents and Uncle Joe where out in Kuwait for.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

10 Reasons Why I Love Being Your Mum

I got the idea of writing this list from a website when you were 10 weeks old (about a month ago) and I thought it would be nice to have it in a place were you can one day read it.

So here it is, 10 Reasons Why I Love Being Your Mum (obviously there are more but we'll narrow it down!!).

1. I love your beautiful smile, especially first thing in the morning when I look over your moses basket about to pick you up and you give me the most precious, warm smile that melts my heart every single morning and is the best thing to wake up to.

2. I love listening to you talk and coo at your 'friends' as I call them; your animals on your cot mobile. Even if I am in another room, it still makes me smile listening how excited and happy you are.

3. I love watching you with your dad, whether it be having a feed, getting your bum changed or just sitting on his knee. I love seeing how he is with you, I love seeing him in you and I love seeing how you both interact with each other; smiles, coos, chats, giggles...

4. I love watching you change every single day; growing up into a clever, handsome little boy. I love watching you getting stronger and more alert each day. I love how we pull tongues at each other. You are growing up so quickly, and although it scares me, I am loving watching you grow.

5. I love your kisses and having cuddles with you and how you always seem to fall asleep cuddled into my chest. I love how your eyes roll back and flicker and how you fight your sleep so much.

6. I love how you have changed me. You have made me see what life is really all about. You have made me realise what is important and what makes me truly happy. I feel like my life has such a huge purpose now you are in it. You have made me love your daddy even more than I thought possible. You have given me a family. A family I will always do my best for.

7. I love talking to your daddy about our future with you. I love the fact that we can get excited about you learning to walk, saying 'mama' and 'dada', your first day at school, family holidays...they give me butterflies because I am so excited.

8. I love picking you up when you’re still sleepy in the middle of the night and your body curls up into me. It makes me feel so protective of you. The way you cling your hands onto my neck and shoulders. It makes me not want to go back to sleep.

9. I love how loved you are. Watching your grandparents meeting you for the first time, seeing how perfect you are, choked me. Just seeing how much they love you and that we have provided them with such a happiness in you makes me smile.

10. I love being your mum because every single day I love you more and more. I love you more than I thought possible. You are beautiful, clever and your happiness makes me happy. I love your handsome face, your beautiful feet and your cheeky smile. I love the happiness you bring me and I will love and care for you, always.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Birth Story

I've never written this down anywhere before and 3 months down the line i'll try my best to remember everything!

Well you were due 2nd June 2011 but on 28th May we went for our usual check-up at the doctors to check your progress and I complained to the doctor about slight abdominal pains that I had been having for a couple weeks, unsure whether they were related to labour or whether they were general pregnancy niggles. Dr Vijaya said she would like to admit me that day and begin the induction of labour. So, extremely shocked and scared but very excited, we headed back to the apartment to collect the hospital bag and to ring your grandparents and let them know the news. I remember that your dad had put a lovely piece of lamb in the oven to slow cook for a roast dinner that afternoon, obviously that roast wasn't going to be eaten and instead we quickly ate lamb sandwiches before we left for the hospital.

We were admitted to Al Salem Hospital (Bneid Al Gar, Kuwait) and enjoyed the luxuries of our room (sea view, kitchen, leather couches) whilst waiting for the doctor to come and begin the induction procedure. The first induction pessary was given at around 4pm (28/05/11) and we had to wait for things to progress. After 6 hours, I hadn't dilated any further so another pessary was given at around 9pm and again nothing progressed. We were in the room overnight waiting for the pain and dilation to progress whilst monitoring your heartbeat to make sure you were coping ok. Overnight, I had dilated only 1 or 2 centimetres and was given another pessary around 6am (29/05/11). We were told generally only a maximum of 3 pessaries are given, and after that we would have to wait until I was 4cm dilated and then the doctors would try and break my waters.

By around 11am things still hadn't progressed much and after really bad back pain throughout the night and a very tired mummy and daddy, we asked would it be possible for us to have a caesarean as we were dying to meet you!! We signed the consent forms for the caesarean and waited for the doctor to come and collect me for theatre. After signing the consent forms and deciding on the caesarean, things finally decided to progress! As I stood up to go the bathroom, my waters broke all over the hospital room and carried on leaking. We still decided to go ahead with the c-section though.

Around 2pm the nurse came to collect me for theatre. I was shaking as I was terrified but also so excited and anxious to finally meet you. I think daddy was even more scared than me. I went into theatre alone as the hospital wouldn't allow your dad in. The nurse asked whether I wanted a spinal or general anesthetic and as i've never been through anything like it before I asked the nurse for his recommendation and he said as I seemed very nervous the general anesthetic would probably best. I was given the needle for the general anesthetic and asked about any allergies. The nurse held my hand as I must of been obviously scared and was asking what your name was going to be and telling me think of something nice as I fell into a deep sleep...

You were born at 2.42pm on Sunday 29th May 2011. Daddy was waiting nervously in the waiting room for the news and was finally told after a lot of stress trying to find out (but thats another story!!). I came round from the general anesthetic and was desperatly trying to stay consicious and alert so they would take me back to the room so I could meet you. The nurse told me as I was recovering in the room near theatre how much you weighed (3.46kg, which is 7lb 6oz after my conversion on my mobile!) and I remember asking very sleepily if you were ok.

Around 5pm I was taken back upto our room and your dad was waiting in there talking to your grandparents on the phone. I couldn't speak very well because of operation but was asking your dad if he had seen you and what you looked like. We heard a knock on our room door and I remember your dad saying that it was a nurse bringing you in. I could never ever explain that feeling I felt. After 9 months of talking about you, feeling you inside my stomach and seeing you on your scans, I was finally going to meet my son!

The nurse lifted you from your trolley and put you in my arms. The first thing I thought was how gorgeous you were. I know its such a cliche but it was honestly love at first sight. You were so alert; looking into my eyes. I remember feeling so scared holding you as you seemed so small and delicate. You had cuddles with your dad which was so lovely to watch. You began breastfeeding straight away and fell asleep in my arms.

You were perfect, just as we imagined.